Finding Balance and Having Fun!

In the same way that you need to find balance when you take into account the food you provide for your body, you also need to find balance in feeding your mind and soul.

Most of you lead busy and stressful lives. You have so many roles to play – spouse, sibling, parent, boss, colleague, friend, child……the list goes on. With each of these roles come many responsibilities and duties which often result in an enormous amount of pressure. As you get busier doing everything for everybody else your own needs take a back seat and you’ll suddenly find that you have no time to do anything for yourself.

It is often in this situation, when you are tired and stressed, that you tend to overeat or make the wrong choices. The result is that your weight increases and your clothes become uncomfortable. Equally important is that because you are eating incorrectly, you become lethargic & suffer from lack of energy. These issues affect your self-esteem and moods and there is no doubt that this has a negative impact on your happiness and that of your family.

So what’s the solution?

Make a date with yourself! Yes you heard me, just as you would schedule an appointment with a friend or colleague, so you need to make an appointment in your diary at least once a week to do something that you enjoy, find relaxing and that is FUN.

What kinds of things you do, depend on what you enjoy. Make a list of 5 things you would do if you had all the time in the world. It may be taking a class, having a massage, painting, dancing, going to gym or even just sitting on a bench and watching the sea. Whatever it is do it and do it now.

Remember when you learn to make time for yourself and do things just because they’re FUN you generally have more energy, feel better about yourself and get even more done! This has a domino effect because when you’re feeling better about yourself, you are usually more focused about what you eat. You’ll find that you make time to shop for healthier food and eat three meals a day. You will also make healthier choices more often.

Pamper yourself you deserve it!

Finding Balance and Having Fun!

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